This doesn't happen a lot to me so I am making it a big deal. This is just a simple crap from my Twitter Homepage. You know what is happening there right? You see your tweets and the people you follow and it is up to you if you are gonna respond or ignore them. I was listening to Need You Now by Lady Antebellum while I am checking my Twitter account when I saw this.

Remember my past entry about the Azkal Goalee? That's him and he doesn't even speak tagalog! One of his team mate (and one of the most popular, I must say) started this thing about tweeting in tagalog and I think maybe he joined the trend. You see, they have Filipino blood but they were born and raised in England. Maybe they could understand a bit but they hardly speak the language. I just found it funny and cute when I saw it. I started thinking him actually saying it with his bloody sexy British accent. Hahaha!
It's 11:11 already and I should be sleeping by now 'cause I still have work tomorrow. Guess you know who's to blame :)

Remember my past entry about the Azkal Goalee? That's him and he doesn't even speak tagalog! One of his team mate (and one of the most popular, I must say) started this thing about tweeting in tagalog and I think maybe he joined the trend. You see, they have Filipino blood but they were born and raised in England. Maybe they could understand a bit but they hardly speak the language. I just found it funny and cute when I saw it. I started thinking him actually saying it with his bloody sexy British accent. Hahaha!
It's 11:11 already and I should be sleeping by now 'cause I still have work tomorrow. Guess you know who's to blame :)
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