Monday, February 28, 2011


I will admit I listen to THREE korean songs. THREE. ONLY THREE. And I do because of Kim Hyun Joong (more populary known as Ji Hoo of Boys Over Flower). He is a member of a boy band in Korea but they aren't that hot these days compared to what I am going to talk about in this entry.

SUPER JUNIOR. According to what I have read about them, they are composed of ten guys who sing and dance. I thought S-Club seven was the most numbered pop group until I knew about these boys.

Apparently, they are SO popular here in the Philippines. Thank you to MYX for giving K-pop a segment on their channel. They recently had a major concert last Saturday (Feb 26) at Araneta. I believe this is their second time in the country. The first time was just a mall tour but it was a huge success. I guess that was the reason why they decided to hold a concert. True enough, the concert was a bigger success.

I pass by the Coliseum every working day of my life since January and I was quite stunned last Saturday to see a long line of girls outside. I don't know if they are falling in line for tickets or if they are just excited to be there early for their idols. One of my friends said that the line was like that since Friday. So, I wonder if they slept there. Idolatry much?

I am a bit curious about why girls go crazy about them so I watched one of their music videos. I wasn't contented to look at photos because I wouldn't understand the hype if I just look at still images. I thought that maybe they are good dancers or funny guys because usually those things get straight to female fans' hearts and I turned out to be correct. Their music video was good. I watched several music videos of korean groups and they have one thing in common: they are good dancers. But I think the main reason why girls are drooling over them is because they have swagger. I cannot remember the title of the music video that I watched. All I can remember was they are dancing in a studio and each members have a close-up shot with a panning light. That shot brought the masculinity in them though most Korean guys look queer because of how they dress plus they wear heavy make-up. and odd hairstyles. Overall, they are good performers. Maybe I could like them if I understand what they are singing. For the fans, language barrier don't matter as long as their eyes are satisfied.

Erratum: There are thirteen members in the group and their latest concert (feb 26, 2011) was their second here in the Philippines.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Our baby, Bulanglang, gave birth for the first time to three beautiful puppies last week. We didn't expected that it will be this soon then we found out that dogs only get pregnant for two months. After that, they will give birth.

We had several dogs before that gave birth but I think this is the first time we cared this much. Bulanglang is very close to my mother. She treats her like she is her daughter. Bulanglang was my mom's companion during the time when she was a housewife (which she never experienced ever since she married my dad) late last year. Bulanglang gave birth at their room before the break of dawn. My brother said our mom went in their room screaming "Nanganak na si Bulang!". She was so excited to break the news to us in the morning. Now, we have three new addition to our family though I am not sure if we are gonna keep all of them. I am excited to go home every day to see them and I can't wait for them to walk and play with us just like Bulanglang did when she was little.

Meet Sabio (boy), Chieffy and Rikki (both girls). Ban named Rikki. I named Sabio and Chieffy after the two members of Azkals. It's a fit because they are all Askal puppies and Azkals are quite popular nowadays :)

I grew up with parents who love dogs so much. My dad is a real dog lover. I have never seen a person cared so much for an animal like he does. Every time he comes home at night or he calls when he's out-of-town, he will first ask if the dogs had eaten or if Ian bathe them already before asking how we are doing at home. Our dogs aren't labs or chow-chows. They are simply domesticated which we like to call as Aspin (formerly askal) but that is what make them special for me. They are ordinary but we love them for that. I wanna pass this love for dogs to my future kids (if I will have any) because I think if you know how to value a dog, you also know how to value a human being.

Friday, February 25, 2011


This doesn't happen a lot to me so I am making it a big deal. This is just a simple crap from my Twitter Homepage. You know what is happening there right? You see your tweets and the people you follow and it is up to you if you are gonna respond or ignore them. I was listening to Need You Now by Lady Antebellum while I am checking my Twitter account when I saw this.

Remember my past entry about the Azkal Goalee? That's him and he doesn't even speak tagalog! One of his team mate (and one of the most popular, I must say) started this thing about tweeting in tagalog and I think maybe he joined the trend. You see, they have Filipino blood but they were born and raised in England. Maybe they could understand a bit but they hardly speak the language. I just found it funny and cute when I saw it. I started thinking him actually saying it with his bloody sexy British accent. Hahaha!

It's 11:11 already and I should be sleeping by now 'cause I still have work tomorrow. Guess you know who's to blame :)

Friday, February 18, 2011



I wish our world doesn’t revolve around money. It is always the cause of every fight and these fights always end up with hurting one another.

Why does money so important?

We cannot live without it.

We will starve without it.

We can’t pay the bills without it.

We cannot travel without it.

We cannot be satisfied without it.

There is a story about a girl who doesn’t care about money but always have a problem about it. She is a 21 year old girl who is now working at a company she believes can make her improve. Her first two jobs were both not related to what she studied in college. She really enjoyed her second job and thought she could stay at it forever though she knows she cannot progress with it. It was a low paying job but she really loved it. A better opportunity (her current job) came for her so she grabbed it. Her latest job wasn’t that high paying but it was way better than her first. She really doesn’t know what she wants in her life. She wanted to be a writer right before she took the entrance exams in college. During college, she put up a business because she originally wanted to be a business woman. Months before she graduated in college, she thought of becoming a copywriter for an advertising agency because she thinks it was cool. After college, she had a camera and fell in love with it so she promised herself to study photography and be a photographer someday. She doesn’t know what she wants to pursue because she had all these dreams on her mind. She also wasn’t sure if she’s that good to really pursue it. She was easily discouraged when something doesn’t go right with her plans and she always think that she will fail. She doesn’t believe in herself. She doesn’t have the courage to stand up and face all the challenges in life. For all she knows she wasn’t that good enough. So, she doesn't care about earning so much money. She just wants to find out where she could be happy and where she’s really good at. But, of course, there are things she wanted like clothes, eating with her friends, and gadgets. And in order to afford all those, she needs to earn money. She’s working now just to pay her credit card bills that she thinks won’t end until she dies. She and her mother always fight because of the unpaid bills and her pauper salary. She doesn’t care if she always skips her meal everyday or pass some invites of her officemates just to save. But doing those aren’t enough. She knows that it’s her fault to purchase that expensive gadget but it was the only thing that keeps her in touch with her first love – writing. Alright, she wasn't that excellent in writing but she tries her best to improve. That gadget was her only outlet when she couldn’t contain her emotions. It was her wonderland where her dreams come true. But that gadget was always the part of the argument because it is too expensive. Sometimes she wishes she was born rich so she wouldn't mind the things she is minding right now. She was the eldest child but the second child was more successful than her. The second child is always the one who’s teaching her lessons about everything. I believe that was one of the reasons why she is inferior. She’s ashamed every time they are being compared for she knows she can’t match what the second child achieved.

She is still contemplating how to pay the bills and how to not starve in the days to come. The loser girl is losing her mind because she and her mother just had a fight last night regarding money for the nth time. She thought that if she could win 50 million in the lottery, she will give 40 million to her parents and hope that it would solve the problem and everybody will live happily ever after.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Inevitable circumstance

I haven't watch football in my whole life. I've never been interested in the game nor keen with the players but lately because of the Philippine National Football team or popularly known as Azkals, I begun liking it. It started when I had a weird dream about their most famous player. I didn't even know why but I felt a sudden tingling in my gut the morning I woke up. It was the start of the endless googling for his name and my interest for the team. I want to watch their games but the venue was out of Metro Manila. I want to watch it on TV but we don't have a freaking normal TV set. So I resort to internet updates and tweets from friends. The crush for the famous Azkals subsided just because he was too famous (hahaha!) and when I saw their goalee.

I know football has tons of hot guys in their league but I never saw someone as good looking as this one. Hahaha! Kilig aside, It was because of this guy why I want to watch football. The interest started because of a crush but I want to know that sport more. I want to be passionate about it just the way I am passionate about basketball. I've been in love with basketball since the day I had my first period and until now I still make it a point to be updated though I haven't watch a game in a long time. I want to be into football not just because of the hot players but also because of the game. I try my best to watch videos in youtube or read articles about it over the internet just to know the rules and its mechanics little by little. After all, it is the world's most favorite sport. It won't kill me if I try :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

FEB 14

It’s valentines on Monday and most of us make fuzz about it. It’s the season of roses, chocolates, surprises, and overflow of proposals and I love yous. This is the part when I say I don’t care about valentines and if I don’t have a date on that day but it’s already a given that I am cynical these kind of issues. I’ve been single forever and I admit I sometimes ask why do I stay single? Is it because I am not pretty enough or am I just not a girlfriend material? I’ve spent five valentines wishing to spend it with a particular someone I really really liked until I decided to stop wishing this year. I realized I love being single and independent. I got to do anything I want without worrying that I have to inform someone. Sure I want to experience being loved, go out, tell someone I love you and get I love you back, and be special but maybe I am not yet ready for that at the moment. This year, I will be celebrating it with my friends again. We’re gonna have a little dinner and catching up to do. I am truly happy for all the couples who will be celebrating the hearts day on Monday. Spread some good lovin’ and kissin’! Just remember to use some protection! Cheers to y’all! :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dealing with it the hard way.

I ended the year 2010 feeling blessed with all the things our family had before the year closed. At first, I thought it would gonna be terrible because I had some serious problems with my feelings at the latter part but I eventually pulled it up realizing that 2010 hasn't been that bad to me. I had a rewarding job as a teacher, my sister landed a good paying and stable job at a marketing firm after only days since her college graduation, my mom went back to being an office girl after two years of being a housewife, my brother Ian was doing well in UE despite his frustrations to transfer to UST from Lyceum, and all of us were healthy as ever. I couldn't ask for anything more. We don't have money that much but I have a very happy family. Those were what made me feel blessed.

Considering all that, I thought 2011 would be nicer to me. My assumption strengthen when a job opportunity from a publishing house came first week of January. I thought "Whoah! 2011 and I are gonna be best buds!" but I am wrong. 2011 just started spitting on my face.

I am still employed with the school I am working at that time so I feel a little bit confused. I honestly love my job because I love being around kids. I already had that closeness with the kids and with my other co-teachers. But I thought to myself it was time to move on and try to pursue my dream step by step. It wasn't easy for me to come up with a decision but I have to for my future. It's been two years since I graduated from college but I still haven't had a job connected with what I studied for. I wanted to become a writer, a photographer, or a copywriter. I would work at the advertising department of the firm and would handle all the advertisements of all the magazine titles. It was really a dream-come-true to me though I have messy dreams. I am not sure what I really want but I told myself that if I take this job opportunity, it's gonna be one step closer. I submitted my resignation the day after I was accepted by the publishing house. They needed me immediately because the person I am replacing will be undergoing kidney transplant on February. I have to report to them for training and turn-over. The school accepted my resignation but didn't approve my immediate release. They said that according to the law I should finish my 30 days before they let me go. I asked them if I could skip working days so I could attend my training with the publishing house. They said I could but only if a replacement teacher comes along. Though I settled for that agreement, I know deep within that I can't wait for the replacement teacher because the following week I will report to the publishing house as an employee. I seek advise on what will I do and most of the people, aside from my sister, said that it was ok to go AWOL since a lot of people do that. I don't want to leave like that but I had no choice but to go or else I would lose both jobs. When everything was settled in the publishing house, I started working for them. The school was texting and calling me asking why am I not coming to work. I ignored all of that until one day my close friend who happens to be also my co-teacher texted me that I should inform the HR about my whereabouts or they will seek legal actions. I texted them and informed them that I won't be able to come back to work and apologized for all the troubles I caused them. I thought everything was settled after that but days after I received a summon letter for my hearing. Yes, they will file a civil case against me for Breaching of Contract. I went to the school last friday to face all the charges. I explained myself to them though I know all the things I said won't affect their decision.

Maybe I've never been a good employee/teacher. I maybe not that intelligent or kiss-ass employee but I know that I did my best for the school. I contributed all I could contribute. I shared what I could share when it comes to videos, photos, and other technical aspects I know that I acquired from college. The only thing I did wrong was not finishing the 30 days requirement. And now, I will face a consequence that may finish my life forever. I know it's exaggerating to say that but if they file that case and reflect that on my NBI record, I could no longer apply abroad or maybe here even. Who would accept an employee with a civil case? I thought things through the other night and I feel broken and destroyed. It was my fault and I admit it but It never occur to me that this would happen.

I am a part time employee working more than 8 hours a day and 6 days a week without any benefits and assurance that I would be a regular employee. I worked for the school for ten months. Those ten months will go to waste now. I don't know about labor law and shit but I think my job description won't fall for the part-time category. I am ONLY a part time employee but they waste money and time for my not finishing 30 days. Oh yes, that's the law and I get it. But god damn it they didn't even see that they also broke labor code here.

I had plans to go abroad in two years and try my luck overseas but how can I do that now? It's like I die or I work at the publishing house forever. I hope some lawyer could read this and shed me some light about this matter. I really want to understand so I could do something. For now, all I can do is wait for the civil case that they would file against me, work at the publishing house, and save money.

I was wrong when I said that everything was going smoothly for this year. It's been a rough road lately that I cannot barely think positive anymore. My sister said I should think outside the box. Well, my box had been shattered and empty space is all I got now. I live by the day. That's what I always do so that's still what I would do. I always ask myself why do things have to be always hard for me? Is this the price that I would pay for trying to reach my dreams? Or this is just the consequence of breaking a freaking 30 days rule?