I ended the year 2010 feeling blessed with all the things our family had before the year closed. At first, I thought it would gonna be terrible because I had some serious problems with my feelings at the latter part but I eventually pulled it up realizing that 2010 hasn't been that bad to me. I had a rewarding job as a teacher, my sister landed a good paying and stable job at a marketing firm after only days since her college graduation, my mom went back to being an office girl after two years of being a housewife, my brother Ian was doing well in UE despite his frustrations to transfer to UST from Lyceum, and all of us were healthy as ever. I couldn't ask for anything more. We don't have money that much but I have a very happy family. Those were what made me feel blessed.
Considering all that, I thought 2011 would be nicer to me. My assumption strengthen when a job opportunity from a publishing house came first week of January. I thought "Whoah! 2011 and I are gonna be best buds!" but I am wrong. 2011 just started spitting on my face.
I am still employed with the school I am working at that time so I feel a little bit confused. I honestly love my job because I love being around kids. I already had that closeness with the kids and with my other co-teachers. But I thought to myself it was time to move on and try to pursue my dream step by step. It wasn't easy for me to come up with a decision but I have to for my future. It's been two years since I graduated from college but I still haven't had a job connected with what I studied for. I wanted to become a writer, a photographer, or a copywriter. I would work at the advertising department of the firm and would handle all the advertisements of all the magazine titles. It was really a dream-come-true to me though I have messy dreams. I am not sure what I really want but I told myself that if I take this job opportunity, it's gonna be one step closer. I submitted my resignation the day after I was accepted by the publishing house. They needed me immediately because the person I am replacing will be undergoing kidney transplant on February. I have to report to them for training and turn-over. The school accepted my resignation but didn't approve my immediate release. They said that according to the law I should finish my 30 days before they let me go. I asked them if I could skip working days so I could attend my training with the publishing house. They said I could but only if a replacement teacher comes along. Though I settled for that agreement, I know deep within that I can't wait for the replacement teacher because the following week I will report to the publishing house as an employee. I seek advise on what will I do and most of the people, aside from my sister, said that it was ok to go AWOL since a lot of people do that. I don't want to leave like that but I had no choice but to go or else I would lose both jobs. When everything was settled in the publishing house, I started working for them. The school was texting and calling me asking why am I not coming to work. I ignored all of that until one day my close friend who happens to be also my co-teacher texted me that I should inform the HR about my whereabouts or they will seek legal actions. I texted them and informed them that I won't be able to come back to work and apologized for all the troubles I caused them. I thought everything was settled after that but days after I received a summon letter for my hearing. Yes, they will file a civil case against me for Breaching of Contract. I went to the school last friday to face all the charges. I explained myself to them though I know all the things I said won't affect their decision.
Maybe I've never been a good employee/teacher. I maybe not that intelligent or kiss-ass employee but I know that I did my best for the school. I contributed all I could contribute. I shared what I could share when it comes to videos, photos, and other technical aspects I know that I acquired from college. The only thing I did wrong was not finishing the 30 days requirement. And now, I will face a consequence that may finish my life forever. I know it's exaggerating to say that but if they file that case and reflect that on my NBI record, I could no longer apply abroad or maybe here even. Who would accept an employee with a civil case? I thought things through the other night and I feel broken and destroyed. It was my fault and I admit it but It never occur to me that this would happen.
I am a part time employee working more than 8 hours a day and 6 days a week without any benefits and assurance that I would be a regular employee. I worked for the school for ten months. Those ten months will go to waste now. I don't know about labor law and shit but I think my job description won't fall for the part-time category. I am ONLY a part time employee but they waste money and time for my not finishing 30 days. Oh yes, that's the law and I get it. But god damn it they didn't even see that they also broke labor code here.
I had plans to go abroad in two years and try my luck overseas but how can I do that now? It's like I die or I work at the publishing house forever. I hope some lawyer could read this and shed me some light about this matter. I really want to understand so I could do something. For now, all I can do is wait for the civil case that they would file against me, work at the publishing house, and save money.
I was wrong when I said that everything was going smoothly for this year. It's been a rough road lately that I cannot barely think positive anymore. My sister said I should think outside the box. Well, my box had been shattered and empty space is all I got now. I live by the day. That's what I always do so that's still what I would do. I always ask myself why do things have to be always hard for me? Is this the price that I would pay for trying to reach my dreams? Or this is just the consequence of breaking a freaking 30 days rule?